As a ManageEngine Partner Switzerland, we offer the full range of ManageEngine products. Ask us for further information.
As a TERRA service partner, we can offer you all TERRA products - including a 5 to 8-year on-site guarantee.
As a TERRA service centre, we repair all TERRA servers and PCs on your premises (in accordance with the purchase contract).
As a certified partner of Wildix, we install and support all Wildix systems. Ask us for more information.
As an accredited Hornetsecurity partner, we have access to the entire service portfolio:
from e-mail security to backup and security awareness.
As an Authorised Partner of ZOHO, we offer the comprehensive cloud-based ERP solution from ZOHO. Ask us for more information.
Would you like 24×7 server monitoring?
...then you've come to the right place.
Mandatory for all websites from 1 September 2023 with the new Data Protection Act
We are an official reseller of Cookie-Script. Cookie-Script Consent Management Platform (CMP) automatically recognises all cookies and similar tracking technologies on your website and blocks them until your users have given their consent. This is a unique technology.
Exchange Online or Office 365.
All Office 365 Cloud products are available from us.
Flying Supporter GmbH
Mühleweg 3
4658 Däniken
VAT no. CHE-113.840.441 VAT
IBAN: CH75 0900 0000 6070 5137 4
Flying Supporter GmbH
Mühleweg 3
4658 Däniken