Newsletter 45/2023

Flying Supporter GmbH / It Business Solutions - Newsletter

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Flying Supporter Newsletter



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Accounting service
At Flying Supporter, we pride ourselves on offering our customers innovative and customised IT solutions. Our passion for giving every employee the platform to develop his/her personal skills to the fullest is constantly expanding our company's horizons. Over the past five years, we have expanded into website design and digital marketing and even established a new accounting department to provide a comprehensive service to our clients.


FS All Inclusiv

Hardware, support and maintenance

A new appliance every 5 years:
Laptop or PC
inkl. Support
und Wartung

only Fr. 99.-/Monat


Chef! ...zu meinem 25jährigen Betriebsjubiläum habe ich eigentlich mit einer Gehaltserhöhung gerechnet.
Sie sind fristlos entlassen! Buchhalter, die nicht rechnen können, kann ich nicht gebrauchen.


Wildix Kite - Call directly via the website!

We are online for you 😊


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Flying Supporter GmbH
Mühleweg 3

4658 Däniken

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Flying Supporter GmbH | Mühleweg 3 | 4658 Däniken SO

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