Build on solid foundations and aim high with Zoho / ManageEngine

Just as the Zoho/ManageEngine campus continues to grow, the developers from Chennai India are also expanding their product range and features. To ensure that the current 12,000 employees have enough space to realise their ideas in the future (even for as many more colleagues), the headquarters are being expanded considerably. The company is expanding in width and height on a solid foundation - just as it is doing with software programming.

At PartnerMeet 2024, new ideas were presented and plans were made. ... and it's a big one: the ManageEngine products - currently over 100 - are to be linked together and the interfaces expanded. The end product will be called ManageEngine Prime - analogous to Zoho One, the software operating system with over 50 products for companies. Everything from a single source and integrations with each other and with third-party software solutions incl.

With attractive prices and the option to install or obtain all ManageEngine products either locally or in the cloud, with mixed forms also possible, we can look forward to seeing what ManageEngine already offers today and will continue to develop in the future.

Through direct contact and exchange with the management and developers of ManageEngine, we as Flying Supporters have the opportunity to support you as a customer with ManageEngine/Zoho products much better and also have internal information about what is coming and what is in the 2024 pipeline.

If you have any questions about ManageEngine or Zoho products or their social commitment in and around Chennai and the other locations, we will be happy to answer them. We are here for you.

Sunny greetings directly from Chennai to all

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