Newsletter 13/2024


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Flying Supporter Newsletter



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Is there an alternative to Microsoft Office?

Microsoft and Microsoft Office are omnipresent. Many SMEs pay horrendous licence fees to MS every year and think they have no other choice, because how else are they supposed to be up to date and be able to work together as a team without these products? Are there any favourable alternatives?


FS Backup

    You have data. You don't want to lose them because they are important to you, either for legal reasons such as the ten-year retention obligation or because they are the many priceless memories from your childhood and past that you want to protect.


    Die Häscheneltern machen sich grosse Sorgen, weil ihr Sohn nicht anfängt zu sprechen.Kein Arzt kann ihnen helfen. Eines Tages beim Essen sagt das kleine Häschen: 

    «Die Karotten sind versalzen!»

    Die Häschenmama freut sich: «Du kannst ja sprechen! Warum hast du denn bisher nichts gesagt?»

    Häschen: «Bisher war ja auch alles in Ordnung.»


    Wildix Kite - Call directly via the website!

    We are online for you 😊


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    Flying Supporter GmbH
    Mühleweg 3

    4658 Däniken

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