Flying Supporter GmbH and DATA Security AG
organise on
Thursday, 22 August 2024
09.00 to 10.00 a.m.
a free online webinar on the topic of "Data protection".
In a world where data protection regulations are becoming increasingly complex, it is crucial to stay on top of things and understand the key aspects. In this interactive webinar we will:
The introduction to the Swiss Data Protection Ordinance and the revised Data Protection Act (nDSG).
General data protection management in your company (data protection manual, list of processing activities, contracts, technical and organisational measures (TOMs).
Practical measures (DSM tool) to fulfil the requirements of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).
In today's increasingly technologised world, the requirements for a telephony solution are becoming ever greater. That's why we work with WILDIX - because WILDIX moves with the times and covers existing and new needs in a timely manner.
Achtung, in unser Bäckerei fragen wir manchmal nach Ihrem Namen und merken uns, welche Brötchen Sie am liebsten essen. Wenn Ihnen dies nicht recht ist, dann rufen Sie bitte beim Betreten unserer Bäckerei laut: «Ich bin damit nicht einverstanden!»
Wir werden dann zukünftig so tun, als ob wir Sie nicht kennen.
Wildix Kite - Call directly via the website!
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Flying Supporter GmbH Mühleweg 3
4658 Däniken
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